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EP.08 | John Wright: From PT & Gym Owner To Marchon’s Creative Director | The Graphfit Podcast

A Snapshot

You may not know John by name, but you’ll probably know his face and you’ll definitely know his work.

John is the Creative Director of Marchon, one of world’s #1 fitness brands. From state of the art gyms to clothing, fashion, supplements and events. They lead in the industry in every area.

We wanted to get behind the scenes of the brand, and the person responsible. After a 17 year career as a PT and gym owner in Liverpool, John took the opportunity to join Marchon and relocate to the other side of the country. From there, the rest is history.

Strap in, this one is exclusive.

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what's next?

  • If you’ve taken some value from this episode then please share with your own network, we’d really appreciate it
  • We’ve got more blogs to come on these topics so make sure you keep an eye on our website and socials for the heads up!

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We’ve got more blogs for you here > Make sure you check back regularly to keep up to date with all things fitness branding. 
